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We offer company registration services for businesses across a wide range of industries, including IT, e-commerce, and manufacturing. Our approach considers the unique characteristics of each niche to ensure a tailored registration process.
Documents you will receive:
• Certificate of Incorporation: This official document confirms your company’s registration with Companies House, including details such as your registration number, incorporation date, legal address, and company name. It is essential for starting business operations.• Minutes of the First Board Meeting: This document records discussions and decisions made during the company's first board meeting, including key executive appointments and corporate policy formation. It officially marks the start of the company’s operations.• Memorandum and Articles of Association: These foundational documents define how your company will operate. The Memorandum provides basic company and founder information, while the Articles lay out rules for running the business, including the responsibilities and rights of shareholders.• Share Certificate: This certificate confirms ownership of a certain number of company shares, detailing the shareholder’s information and the number and type of shares held. It serves as vital proof of ownership and protects shareholder rights.
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Near Me Accountant is a reliable accounting company providing all the necessary services for our clients worldwide. Whenever you need financial or accounting advisory, feel free to contact us in any convenient way.
Phone Number
+44 79 188 63173
Working Hours
Monday - Saturday: 8AM - 7PM